27 December 2024

We are happy to announce the first release of Jaybird 6.

Jaybird 6 is — from a JDBC perspective — an incremental change from Jaybird 5. However, internally, Jaybird underwent some major changes, the biggest was splitting off the native and embedded protocols to a separate plugin artifact (jaybird-native).

What’s new

The major changes and new features in Jaybird 6 are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 5 should be straightforward, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 6. If you’re using Jaybird with the native or embedded connections, you will need to make some additional changes. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 5 to Jaybird 6.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/jaybird/issues.

See also: